No1 : World’s best Papers company in India

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Why Choose Us

We at SRV Industries. believe in long lasting commitments and provide
the best recyclables from all over the world to our customers.


SRV Industries Marketing brings the world of paper to your doorstep, literally. With over a decade of global experience under our belt, we are geared to provide prompt and efficient service tocustomers in the supply of finished, recycled and waste paper. What makes us unique in the cluttered and competitive paper value-chain is our presence in over 20 countries

Waste Paper

Waste Paper

"kraft, Duplex, News print, Writing Printing & Tissue"
Click Here

Finish Paper

Finish Paper

  • packaging Papers
  • corrugation
  • Food Specialty
  • Writing-Printing
  • Click Here

    Reduce energy and chemical usage

    You can maximize the strengthening potential of your fibers and runnability of your furnish with enzymes. That shrinks your mill’s overall energy footprint. Enzyme benefits include reduced refining energy and lower steam consumption. Enzymes can also displace or reduce various chemicals in the pulp mill, bleach plant and stock preparation. That further reduces your mill’s energy footprint and environmental impact.


    World-class kraft market pulps from India-grown.


    Kraft & recycled containerboards for conversion into packaging products.


    Smart, packaging solutions, made from sustainably-sourced fibre.

    Use more recovered fibers

    Fibers recovered from recyclable grades can lead to operational and quality challenges. You can overcome many of the deficiencies of recovered fiber with our enzymes. They enhance the dewatering efficiency and strengthening properties of recycled furnishes. The result is smoother production and improved product quality. Enzymatic action on stickies in recovered fiber reduces problematic deposits. That benefits your machines and your finished products. In deinking operations, enzymes improve the final brightness and yield of deinked pulps.

    End-to-end cargo management including road, rail and shipping.


       SRV Papers only fully integrated paper recovery and recycling services.

      1. Collection: Paper is collected from homes, businesses, and other sources and transported to a recycling facility.
      2. Sorting: The paper is sorted by type (e.g., white paper, colored paper, cardboard) and by quality.
      3. Shredding: The paper is shredded into small pieces to remove any contaminants.
      4. Pulping: The shredded paper is mixed with water and chemicals to create a pulp.
      5. De-inking: The ink is removed from the pulp using a variety of methods, including flotation, ultrasonics, and chemical treatment.
      6. Cleaning: The pulp is cleaned to remove any remaining contaminants.
      7. Forming: The pulp is formed into a thin sheet of paper.
      8. Drying: The paper is dried to remove any remaining water.
      9. Recycling: The recycled paper is used to make new paper products.
      Duplex Paper
      Kraft Paper
      Paper Board
      Cup Board
      GSM Paper
      Contact Us

                Our Exports

                SRV Papers is a proud exporter and a rich network of the export many countries
                 and serving thousands of outstanding clients worldwide.

                Feel Free to Get in Touch With Us.

                Our strategic approach allows us to offer customized solutions  to maximize the benefits of all our stakeholders.
                Free feel to get in touch with us for any further questions.

                At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

                Melbourne, Australia
                (Sat - Thursday)
                (10am - 05 pm)
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